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Jacques Bakelak

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CEO/Managing partner


T: +237 696962828 / 237 233 42 31 90




Jacques started his career in 2003 at C2A/FIDAL (ex FFA Ernst & Young), which is a legal and tax consultancy firm, which later became KPMG Central Africa. He first joined the company as an intern and then made his way up the scale through the roles of Confirmed Junior Consultant, Senior Consultant, Supervisor, Manager and finally Senior Manager-Head of mission. He left C2A/KPMG Tax in 2013.


  • Chartered Tax Consultant CEMAC n°111;
  • Registered on the ONCFC Board as n°1378;

Areas of Expertise

Jacques’ areas of expertise revolve around investments, transfer pricing, corporate restructuring, company liquidation, introduction of litigations and claims, follow-up of requests for cancellation of fees, follow-up of requests for obtaining an authorization to the preferential tax regime etc. Jacques has also conducted several tax, legal and operational audits within the CEMAC region.

Jacques has taken part in Transfer Pricing assignments in oil and gas companies in Cameroon such as Texaco Cameroon SA (Former Corlay Cameroon SA) and Schlumberger.


Jacques Bakelak is a holder of two Master degrees, one in Taxation studies and another one in Business Law (civil law), obtained at the University of Douala. His will and passion for the importance of human beings in organisations, led him to obtain a Master degree in Human resource management.